Diana Sofronieva, PhD


I specialise in moral psychology and in the philosophy of emotion and imagination. Recently I also started researching friendship.

I did my PhD at the Applied Ethics Centre at the University of Leeds. I defended in 2019. My research focused on imagining being another person (empathy) and my thesis, The Epistemic and Moral Value of Empathy, is available online through the White Rose Thesis Repository.



I've taught applied ethics since 2015. I created a module on the patient-physician relationship informed by my research which I taught in the School of Medicine at Leeds Uni for three years. I've also taught applied ethics to students of business (CSR, Codes of Ethics) and engineering (Risk & Negligence, Professionalism).

I've taught argumentative skills. I'm advocating for the inclusion of compulsory training on writing argumentative essays for students starting philosophy degrees. I've seen too many bright students struggle due to lack of guidance on the very specific nature of the argumentative philosophy essay as opposed to other essays in the humanities. I worked as a writing Mentor for the School of Philosophy at the University of Leeds and produced guidance about writing an argumentative essay which you can find here. You are welcome to share it with your students, as long as you acknowledge the source. If the guide has been helpful (or not) I'd appreciate it if you drop me a line.


My telegram handle is @Sofronieva.

Or you can write to hello@sofronieva.com. I respond quickly.